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- INFO-HAMS Digest Tue, 24 Oct 89 Volume 89 : Issue 800
- Today's Topics:
- Building A (Very) Low Cost Repeater
- callsign database????
- Cellular Telephone Info Needed (2 msgs)
- interested in opinions
- PL259 Assembly
- PL259 connector assembly
- pro-2005 - mods?
- Voice of America Scheduled Broadcasts -- Addendum
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: 25 Oct 89 00:12:20 GMT
- From: cica!ctrsol!uakari.primate.wisc.edu!uwm.edu!ux1.cso.uiuc.edu!ux1.cso.uiuc.edu!phil@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu
- Subject: Building A (Very) Low Cost Repeater
- Given the (still) low number of dual band radios out there in people's hands
- so far, a cross-band portable repeater won't serve too many people very well
- just yet. The idea of linking them and spacing them apart (though I think
- a 1/4 mile is overkill) seems like a workable solution. This is something
- I have been planning to do as well. That way you can input and output a
- standard in-band repeater split on 144, 220, or 440 Mhz. You will of course
- need a total of 4 HT's or other radio's to pull this off. That's getting
- to be fairly expensive. The new dual-band Icom IC-32AT (and maybe others)
- does have a builtin crossband repeater function that could be used as TWO
- of the radios. Two crossbanders could be used to set up the in-band repeater.
- --Phil Howard, KA9WGN--
- <phil@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu>
- ------------------------------
- Date: 24 Oct 89 22:00:18 GMT
- From: washer@lll-winken.llnl.gov (Jim Washer)
- Subject: callsign database????
- Is there a database out there that might have call signs posted, BEFORE
- such callsigns arrive in the mail from the FCC??? If so how do I access
- such a database?
- Thanks in advance.
- James Washer
- North West Software.
- (415)887-9613
- p.s. YES, I know that I can't use the call sign until the paperwork arrives,
- but i can get QSL's printed, etc.
- ------------------------------
- Date: 24 Oct 89 19:10:32 GMT
- From: psuvm!auvm!redelman@psuvax1.cs.psu.edu (Richard B. Edelman)
- Subject: Cellular Telephone Info Needed
- Can anyone recommend a good technical book on how the cellular
- telephone network operates?
- 73,
- Richard Edelman, KH6RE
- ------------------------------
- Date: 24 Oct 89 19:31:52 GMT
- From: psuvm!auvm!redelman@psuvax1.cs.psu.edu (Richard B. Edelman)
- Subject: Cellular Telephone Info Needed
- Can anyone recommend a good technical book on how the cellular telephone
- network operates?
- 73,
- Richard Edelman, KH6RE
- ------------------------------
- Date: 25 Oct 89 00:20:54 GMT
- From: microsoft!garthh@uunet.uu.net (Garth Hitchens)
- Subject: interested in opinions
- I am considering purchase of a ten-tech Triton IV solid state tranceiver.
- Does anyone have any experience with ten-tec tranceivers in general, or
- with this model?
- Also, what should I be paying for this?
- I am familiar with the japanese lines, but not with ten-tec. I understand
- they have a following. Why?
- Thanks,
- garthh@microsoft.com
- ------------------------------
- Date: 24 Oct 89 17:36:45 GMT
- From: att!cbnewsd!jmseb@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (john.m.sebeson)
- Subject: PL259 Assembly
- Having read several postings on pl259 assembly, let me offer
- one little trick I have used. This is for attaching the
- connector to the large diameter coax, RG8 or RG213. For a
- good connection to the braid, it is essential that the braid be
- tinned with solder. First remove a length of the outer jacket
- per dimensions given in the ARRL Handbook (chapter on construction
- practices) to expose the braid. Tin the braid thoroughly
- with a hot soldering iron (the inner dielectric will soften up
- during the process). Let it cool off.
- The trick: you will now have a fairly solid cylinder of solder.
- This needs to be trimmed down to the length given in the Handbook
- (follow those dimensions exactly!) I use a small adjustable
- pipe cutter, found in any hardware store. Carefully tighten
- while turning the cutter, and presto, a perfectly dimensioned
- length of tinned braid (actually a solder cylinder). Now
- remove the correct amount of dielectric, tin the inner conductor,
- and screw on the connector body. You will see the tinned portion
- appear in the small solder holes. Heat the connector body
- with a hot soldering iron and solder thru the holes. Of course,
- also solder the inner conductor.
- I have used this technique with perfect results on dozens of
- connectors, the oldest of which have lasted ten years.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- John Sebeson
- Naperville, IL
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ------------------------------
- Date: 24 Oct 89 16:18:01 GMT
- From: mtxinu!sybase!phobos!forrest@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Jon Forrest)
- Subject: PL259 connector assembly
- My problem with soldering PL259 connectors is that I'm paranoid
- about overheating the connector, causing the dialetric inside
- the coax to melt resulting in a short of the center and outer
- conductors.
- What wattage soldering irons work the best for this? Soldering
- through those 4 holes is also something that worries me because
- to do it right requires a lot of heat. Heat can be both my
- friend and my enemy when soldering PL259 connectors.
- ----
- Anything you read here is my opinion and in no way represents Sybase, Inc.
- Jon Forrest WB6EDM
- forrest@sybase.com
- {pacbell,sun,{uunet,ucbvax}!mtxinu}!sybase!forrest
- 415-596-3422
- ------------------------------
- Date: 24 Oct 89 17:01:10 GMT
- From: datapg!com50!kksys!gk@uunet.uu.net (Greg Kemnitz)
- Subject: pro-2005 - mods?
- Does anyone know if the Radio Shack PRO-2005 can be modified to cover the
- missing frequencies in the 800-900 mhz range??
- --
- Greg Kemnitz / K and K Systems / PO Box 41804 / Plymouth, MN 55441-0804
- Domain: gk@kksys.mn.org / UUCP: ...!{amdahl,hpda}!bungia!kksys!gk
- Voice: +1 612 475 1527 / Fax: +1 612 475 1979 - touch '1' at second ring
- ------------------------------
- Date: 24 Oct 89 22:53:50 GMT
- From: voa3!eab@uunet.uu.net (Al Brown)
- Subject: Voice of America Scheduled Broadcasts -- Addendum
- As noted by Ed Schwalenberg, I failed to include a transmitter site.
- The transmitter code `RHO' stands for Rhodes, Greece.
- My apologies to all and thanks to Ed.
- 73.
- --
- E. Allen (Al) Brown VOA/BBC Voice of America
- ...uunet!voa3!eab WA3FYZ/ZF2LY Cohen Building, Room G-748
- Chief, Operations Branch Washington, DC 20547
- Computer Services Division +1 202 485 7021
- ------------------------------
- End of INFO-HAMS Digest V89 Issue #800
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